
来源 :大豆科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hulaxiazai
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大豆在广西常年有着较大的种植面积。为了探索广西春大豆在春播以及夏、秋季繁种时的最佳播种时期,选用两个广西播种面积较大的春大豆品种桂春8号和华春2号,从2011年2~8月共设21个播期,研究不同播期对生育期、农艺性状、产量及品质的影响。结果表明:两品种产量最高的播期均为2月25日,单产分别为2 770.85和2 666.26 kg·hm-2,秋播产量最低,夏播次之。从春播至夏播,随着播期的推迟,出苗至开花、出苗至成熟的时间逐渐缩短;6月5日后播种,出苗至开花日数和成熟日数的波动不大。3月上旬以前及8月上旬以后播种,两个春大豆品种的粗蛋白含量相对较低,油分含量相对较高,其余播期内大豆粗蛋白含量较高,而油分含量较低。3月中旬后春播较夏秋播大豆的粗蛋白含量高,但油分含量较低。综上所述,从产量上看,广西中南部春大豆最佳播种期在2月中旬至3月上旬,在下半年进行繁种时,若茬期允许尽可能选择夏播,尽量不要秋播。从大豆品质上看,3月上旬以前播种,得到的大豆油分含量较高。 Soybeans in Guangxi perennial have a larger planting area. In order to explore the best sowing date of spring soybean sowing in spring and summer and autumn in Guangxi, two spring soybean varieties Guichun 8 and Huachun 2 were selected from Guangxi Province. From February to August 2011 Set 21 sowing date to study the different sowing date on the growth period, agronomic traits, yield and quality. The results showed that the sowing dates of the two varieties with the highest yield were February 25, with yields of 2 770.85 and 2 666.26 kg · hm-2, respectively, with the lowest yield in autumn and the second in summer. From spring to summer sowing, with the delay of sowing date, the time from emergence to flowering and emergence to maturity gradually shortened. After sowing on June 5, there was little fluctuation in sowing and flowering days and mature days. Before early March and early August after planting, the crude protein content of two spring soybean varieties was relatively low, the oil content was relatively high, the other sowing date soybean crude protein content is higher, while the oil content is lower. After mid-March spring sowing than in summer sowing crude protein content is high, but the oil content is low. In summary, from the yield point of view, the best sowing date in mid-south spring soybean in mid-February to early March, when breeding in the second half, when the stubble period to allow as much as possible to choose summer sowing, try not to autumn. From the quality of soybean point of view, sowing before early March, get higher soybean oil content.
【摘 要】 通过学生自由分组,自主学习,让每组学生各自发挥自己的能力,最后到台上讲述自己学习心得。实践发现,这可以大大提高学生的自主学习能力,使学生终身获益,也是实施素质教育的一个成功的尝试。本文还根据在学生中开展自主学习的情况,就如何进一步培养学生的自主学习能力作了分析。  【关键词】 自主 学习能力 培养  近年来,教育主管部门提出英语教学“能”字为先,我们的理解就是要形成自主学习能力的英语教