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《照壁山晨曲》于2015年7月拍摄于青海门源。尼康D4数码相机,24—120mm镜头,70mm端,光圈f/11,快门速度1/125s多区测光模式。照壁山位于青海省门源县城东郊外浩门河南岸,北可远眺绵延祁连山,南可近观巍峨大坂山,是整个门源最佳的观景台之一,也是著名的油菜花拍摄地点。站在照壁山观景台,可以360°拍摄花海盛景,观景台虽海拔不高,但视野开阔,能清晰地看到山脚下蜿蜒的浩门河以及浩门河两岸的油菜花海,还能远眺祁连山和大坂山的巍峨景象。 “Zhao Bian Mountain Albatron” in July 2015 taken in Qinghai Mengyuan. Nikon D4 digital camera, 24-120mm lens, 70mm end, aperture f / 11, shutter speed 1 / 125s multi-zone metering mode. Zhaobi Mountain is located on the south bank of the Hao Men River in the eastern outskirts of Mengyuan County, Qinghai Province. It stretches north to the Qilian Mountains in the north and the towering Osaka Hill in the south. It is also one of the best viewing platforms in the entire gate, . Stand in the Zhaobi Mountain viewing platform, you can shoot 360º flower Shenghai, although the viewing platform is not high elevation, but broaden our horizons can clearly see the foot of the meandering Hao Men River and the canola both sides of the river Sea, but also overlooking the towering Qilian Mountains and Osaka mountains.
Although the etiology of eosinophilic cholecystitis is still obscure, the postulated causes include allergies, parasites, hypereosinophilic syndrome, and eosino
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4例患者(男性3例,女性1例,年龄19~51岁)发生急性铊中毒.临床表现为胃肠炎、多发性神经病、脱发三联症.尿铊值为885~7143μg/L.4例患者均用普鲁士蓝250 mg/(kg·d)治疗,其中3例
1名30岁男性患者,因上呼吸道感染未行皮试而静脉滴注头孢拉定1.0 g.0.5 h后出现全身皮疹伴瘙痒,经抗过敏治疗后稍缓解.第3天患者出现乏力、食欲不振、恶心,尿色深,皮肤、巩膜
电教手段在小学语文教学中的运用,对激发学生学习语文的兴趣、传授知识、进行语文基本功的训练、发展学生智力等方面有着极其重要的作用。 The use of audio-visual means i
We encountered a 65-year-old man with a carcinoid tumor of the minor duodenal papilla. Since he had liver cirrhosis and completely refused surgery, we performed