前不久,年近期颐的钟敬文先生在《中华读书报》撰文说,他一生中只写过三五篇论文,因此对那些能够写出数百篇论文者表示怀疑。钟老先生从事学术工作数十年,是我国民俗学研究的开拓者。如果他才写了三五篇论文,我们又该写多少呢? 因为在一家学术刊物担任编辑,我有机会接触到许多论文。面对那些为了评职称、拿学位或者是为了完成任务而写的论文,我总是想起毛泽东的那几句话:“空话连篇,言之无物”;“装腔作势,借以吓人”;“语言无味,像个瘪三”;“甲乙丙丁,开中药铺”。从这些文章中,我看不出问题的由来、研究
Not long ago, in a recent article by Zhonghua Daily News, Mr. Zhong Jingwen, who wrote the book recently, said he wrote only three or five essays in his life and therefore expressed doubts about those who could write hundreds of essays. Mr. Zhong Lao engaged in academic work for decades, is China’s folklore pioneer. If he wrote three or five essays, how much should we write? Because I was an editor in an academic journal, I had access to many essays. In the face of papers written in order to judge, take degrees or to complete the task, I always think of Mao Zedong’s few words: “empty talk, no words;” “pretend to be scary”; “ Like a deflated three ”;“ B and C Ding, open Chinese medicine shop. ” From these articles, I can not see the origin of the problem, the study