陕西省渭南市民办非企业单位复查登记工作,通过调查摸底、宣传动员、培训协调、依法登记、公告发证等五个阶段,全面完成了任务。据统计,共受理申请登记民办非企业单位561 家,经审核符合条件办理登记426家。从而使渭南市民办非企业单位从政出多门、多头审批、管理无序状态,逐步转入规范化、法制化管理轨道,主要做法:
Weinan City, Shaanxi Province, private non-enterprise units to review the registration work, through thorough investigation, advocacy mobilization, training coordination, registration according to law, public announcement and other five stages, the full completion of the task. According to statistics, a total of 561 non-state-owned non-enterprise units have been accepted for registration, and 426 of them have been registered in accordance with the conditions for examination and approval. So that private non-governmental units in Weinan government out of politics, long approval, management disorder, and gradually into a standardized and legalized management track, the main approach: