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翻译文学的归属是译介学研究的一个重要论题。译介学认为,翻译文学是中国文学的一部分。在论证这一判断时,译介学存在关键术语界定不清、“厚此薄彼”的凸现论证方面和“非此即彼”的推理逻辑三方面的问题,这在一定程度上削弱了其对翻译文学归属的论证力度。 The attribution of translation literature is an important topic of translation studies. Translation Studies believes that translation literature is a part of Chinese literature. In demonstrating this judgment, there is a problem that the definition of key terms in translating and studying has three aspects: the unrealistic definition of the key terms, the convex demonstration of the “one and the same” and the inference logic of the “one or the other”, which to a certain extent weakened Its demonstration of the ownership of translation literature.