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酸菜白肉火锅1.取酸菜(白菜经过自然发酵制成)2斤,去掉边缘菜叶,顺着菜帮片两刀(厚帮片两刀,薄帮片一刀),切丝。粉丝一斤泡软后切成12厘米长的段。再选用去骨带皮五花三层猪肉3斤,皮面朝下用明火烤至焦黄后,放在水盆内浸泡半小时,用刀刮净皮面,置于锅内加水慢煮至八成熟时捞出,切成薄片待用。2.将鸡汤倒入勺内,放入酸菜丝、粉丝、鲜虾若干只、冬菜50克,咸香菜、咸韭菜末各50克,白酒、花椒水、味精、盐各适量。用旺火烧开,撇净浮沫,盛入火锅内,将五花肉平铺上面,盖上盖,待火锅滚沸时即可开锅食用。吃此火锅还可配以发好的蘑菇片、黄花菜、青丝菜、海参、干贝以及狍子肉片、牛肉片、羊肉片、鸡肉片等。3.吃该火锅时,调味非常重要,应准备好香菜末、腐乳、芝麻酱、红椒酱、蒜泥、卤虾油、咸韭菜花、酱油、醋等。以备选配蘸食。该火锅具有暖胸醒酒开胃之功能,还能降低血压。 Pickled white meat pot 1. Take pickled cabbage (cabbage naturally fermented) 2 pounds, remove the edge of the leaves, along the food to help two knives (thick to help the two knives, thin to help knife), shred. Fans pound soft cut into 12 cm long section. And then use the boneless pork three layers of pork 3 pounds, face down with an open fire baked to yellow, put in the basin soak for half an hour, with a knife scraping net leather surface, placed in the pot slowly add water to cook until eight Remove cooked, cut into thin slices stand. 2. The chicken soup into the spoon, into the sauerkraut wire, fans, shrimp number only, 50 grams of winter vegetables, salty parsley, salty leek end of the 50 grams, liquor, pepper water, MSG, salt, the right amount. Use the fire to boil, write off the net floating foam, into the pot, the pork above the tile, cover, until the pot boil can be boiled food. Eat this hot pot can also be accompanied by a good hair mushrooms, lily, green vegetables, sea cucumber, scallops and razor meat, beef, lamb, chicken and so on. 3. When you eat the hot pot, seasoning is very important, should be prepared at the end of coriander, fermented bean curd, sesame paste, red pepper sauce, garlic, brine shrimp, salted leek flowers, soy sauce, vinegar and so on. To prepare with dip. The hot pot has the function of warming the appetizer, but also lower blood pressure.
材料: 啤梨、苹果各1个,桂花糖适量,脆浆料,面粉、发粉、生粉、清水各适量。①啤梨去皮去果心,切成片装。②苹果留皮,只去果心,切成片状。③调好脆浆料,把啤梨片和苹果片黏
(1)粉碎、浸制 选无霉变、无虫蛀、无锯屑的干菇柄,漂洗干净,沥干水分,迅速烘干,粉碎成粗大颗粒(略如绿豆大小)。切勿用未经干燥的香菇柄进行粉碎,否则,冲服时会出现混浊沉