A Matter of Perspective

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A farmer drove his tractor to a hillside field where a patch ofsoft ground under one wheel caused the tractor to suddenly flipover.Miraculously,the farmer walked away from the accident.After hearing the story,the farmer’s wife commented,“Hon-ey,I guess the Lord was with you.”The farmer rubbed his aching neck and said,“Well,if Hewas,He sure got a rough ride.” A farmer drove his tractor to a hillside field where a patch ofsoft ground under one wheel caused the tractor to suddenly flipover. Miraculously, the farmer walked away from the accident. After hearing the story, the farmer’s wife commented, “Hon-ey, I guess the Lord was with you. ”The farmer rubbed his aching neck and said, “ Well, if Hewas, He sure got a rough ride. ”
AS SHE STRIDES IN-TO Pazzia,a fashionablerestaurant in Los Angeles,Glenn Close startles thecrowd.Her hair is croppedclose to the scalp in a severeJoan of Arc’
Across 6 Pull 8 Own any 8 Reason 9 Shut 10 Sorry that he13 Slow 15 Poor to 17 Across 18 NoneDown 1 June 2 Closer 3 Going to push 4 Ones5 Enough 11 O’clock 12
An eerie quiet fell over the battlefield near the French city ofVerdun.It was November 11,1918,and the guns were abruptlysilent.Some of the soldiers sank to th
一  星期二的下午,我的心理诊室病人寥寥。  “在吗?在吗?在吗?在吗?在吗?”我的QQ突然开始闪烁。哈哈,是“黄老邪”,这是他的惯常做派,他总是急不可耐地把一句话问五遍。  “黄老邪”的真名叫黄远尚。我们两家住在一个小区里,打四五岁时就在一起滑滑板玩儿。我们一起上的幼儿园,又一起进了片区小学,片区中学,一起参加高考。高考的时候,他发挥得不是很好,后来读了一所普通的大学,读哲学系,现在是一名电台节