1项目概况禹洲·丁香里项目位于上海市嘉定区徐行镇,东至澄浏中路、南至唐家浜、西至创西路、北至树屏路,目前项目正在施工中,总建筑面积79 531.78m~2;项目地上计容建筑面积56 050m~2,容积率为1.8(图1,2)。装配式建筑面积的比例为100%,建筑单体预制装配率不低于30%;其中1#~3#、6#~11#高层住宅为装配整体式剪力墙结构体系,采用了免外架、免外模设计,主要预制构件为预制外墙
1 Project Overview The project of Yuzhou · Lixiangli is located in Xuhang Town, Jiading District of Shanghai, east to Chenghan Middle Road, south to Tangjiabang, west to Chongxi Road and north to Shuping Road. At present, the project is under construction and the total construction area 79 531.78m ~ 2. The project site covers an area of 56,050m 2, with a plot ratio of 1.8 (Figures 1 and 2). Assembled building area ratio of 100%, building monomer prefabrication rate of not less than 30%; of which 1 # ~ 3 #, 6 # ~ 11 # high-rise residential assembly of shear wall structure for the whole system, using a free Frame, free mold design, the main prefabricated components for the prefabricated external walls