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来源 :Beijing Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:clys1986
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  A child learns escape techniques during an open day at a national training center for land search and rescue in Lanzhou, northwest China’s Gansu Province, on May 12.
  The day marked China’s National Disaster Prevention and Reduction Day, which commemorates the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake that left more than 80,000 people dead or missing.

  Pension Raise
  China has raised the minimum standard of basic pensions for rural residents and unemployed urbanites, according to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.
  The standard was increased to 88 yuan ($13.87) per person per month from the previous 70 yuan($11.03), effective on January 1, the ministry said in a statement.
  The adjustment was made in line with income growth, infl ation and changes in basic pensions for urban employees, it added.
  The Central Government will fully fund the adjustment in the midwestern regions and cover half of the expenditure for the raise in the more developed eastern areas.
  By the end of 2017, 513 million rural residents and unemployed urban dwellers were covered by the basic pension scheme, with a monthly average payment per person of 125 yuan ($19.7), according to the statement.
  China had separate pension schemes for rural residents and unemployed urban dwellers until 2014 when the two schemes were unifi ed as part of efforts to bridge the ruralurban wealth gap.
  PM2.5 Analysis
  Coal burning is no longer the major source of PM2.5 in Beijing, with car emissions taking over the top spot, according to a study released by Beijing’s environmental watchdog on May 14.
  The new fi ndings come as the Beijing Municipal Government continues to encourage the use of natural gas instead of coal for winter heating and shuts down polluting smokestack factories.
  Emissions from vehicles and construction machinery are now the top sources of PM2.5 (particulate matter of diameter less than 2.5 micrometers), contributing up to 45 percent of the total pollutants in the capital, according to the study by the Beijing Environmental Protection Bureau.
  With 5.64 million privatelyowned cars by the end of 2017, Beijing has the highest rate of car ownership in the country.
  The study also showed that Beijing’s surrounding regions contributed to more than 50 percent of the pollutants on heavily polluted days when the air quality index exceeded 200 in the city.   Air samples were gathered daily in 11 locations around Beijing and more than 300,000 sets of data were analyzed, said Liu Baoxian, Deputy Director of the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Center.
  The level of PM2.5 in Beijing has dropped to its lowest level since 2013 when the national air pollution control campaign began. The average PM2.5 density in 338 cities fell 6.5 percent in 2017.
  Poverty Reduction
  About 5 million people with disabilities shook off poverty in the past fi ve years, Guo Liqun, a publicity offi cial with the China Disabled Persons’Federation (CDPF), said at a press conference on May 10.
  In 2017 alone, about 925,000 people with disabilities were lifted out of poverty, Guo said, adding that 9.42 million people with disabilities were employed as of the end of 2017.
  Xie Hongde, a poverty relief offi -cial with the CDPF, said there are still 2.81 million people with disabilities living in poverty.
  Xie said the federation would provide more targeted help, including improving recovery services, helping poor disabled children to continue their education and offering care services for severely disabled people living in poverty.
  China has set 2020 as the target year to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society, which requires the eradication of poverty.
  The country’s poverty rate dropped from 10.2 percent in 2012 to 3.1 percent in 2017 after 68.53 million people were lifted out of poverty in those fi ve years.
  The country still had around 30 million people living below the national poverty line at the end of last year.
  Cyber Mimic Defense
  A cyberspace security system based on the China-proposed mimic defense theory has withstood over 500,000 hacker attacks in an international challenge held in Nanjing, capital of east China’s Jiangsu Province.
  In the fi rst Qiangwang(Cyberspace Power) International Elite Challenge on Cyber Mimic Defense, which concluded on May 13, the system detected and blocked all attacks from 22 teams of Chinese and foreign white-hat hackers—computer specialists who use hacker techniques to test computer and cyber security—according to the Chinese Academy of Engineering(CAE), co-sponsor of the event.
  The mimic defense system features an ever-changing software environment, which makes it diffi cult for conventional hacker attacks to locate a target.
  The system is expected to change the current “ex post facto defense” pattern in cyber security, according to Wu Jiangxing, a CAE academician who fi rst proposed the theory.   During the challenge, a series of attacks from several teams were frustrated even after they were given access to installing backdoors to the system, the CAE said.
  Inspired by the mimic octopus, a master of disguise in nature which can change appearance to adapt to its environment, Chinese scientists proposed the idea of mimic computing in 2007 and produced the world’s fi rst mimic computer prototype in 2013.
  Stem Cell Culture
  China has created the world’s fi rst medical instrument that can induce, culture and screen stem cells auto- matically, which will greatly benefi t the development of regenerative medicine.
  The instrument, developed by the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Guangdong Province, with independent intellectual property rights, makes the large-scale culture of ste m cells possible.
  Stem cells can self-renew or multiply while maintaining the potential to develop into other types of cells. They can become cells for blood, heart, bones, skin, muscle, brain or other body parts. They are valuable research tools and may in the future be used to treat a wide range of ailments.
  Previously, inducing, culturing and screening stem cells could only be done manually, which lacked uniform standards and was ineffi cient, costly and unsafe, restricting the wide application of stem cells in regenerative medicine.
  “Distinguishing stem cells from other cells is like picking a needle out of a haystack. It’s arduous work to do manually. The effi ciency of the newly invented equipment is equivalent to that of 24 technicians,” said Pan Guangjin, Vice President of the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health.
  Creative Products
  An exhibitor shows a pillow design of pixiu, a legendary creature in Chinese mythology, during the 14th China International Cultural Industries Fair in Shenzhen, south China’s Guangdong Province, on May 13.
  The fi ve-day event from May 10 to 14 attracted 21,386 overseas business people from 101 countries and regions, 1,370 more than in 2017.

  Water Plane Delivery
  The China-developed AG600 large amphibious aircraft is expected to be delivered to buyers by 2022, said the Aviation Industry Corp. of China(AVIC), its manufacturer.
  After its successful maiden fl ight in December 2017, the company is planning a ferry fl ight from its research base in Zhuhai to Jingmen, central China’s Hubei Province, in July, chief designer Huang Lingcai said.   “Then, we will prepare for its fi rst water takeoff, scheduled for later this year,” said Huang, who is also chief engineer of the AVIC General Aircraft Research Institute. The takeoff will be conducted at a large reservoir in Jingmen.
  Designed to be the world’s larg- est amphibious aircraft, the AG600 will be mainly used for maritime rescue, fi ghting forest fi res and marine monitoring, according to stateowned aviation giant AVIC.
  Codenamed Kunlong, the AG600 is undergoing test fl ights in Zhuhai, a coastal city in south China’s Guangdong Province.
  With a range of up to 4,500 km, it is designed to be capable of takeoff and landing in 2-meter waves.
  “We are endeavoring to get the airworthiness certifi cation from the civil aviation authorities by 2021, and deliver it to customers by 2022,”Huang said.
  I Love You, Mom
  A boy pulls his mother across the fi nish line at a marathon activity on Mother’s Day in Anci District in Langfang, north China’s Hebei Province, on May 13.

  Solid Growth
  China’s economic growth momentum held up in April despite slowing fi xed assets investment and retail sales growth, with analysts expecting the nation’s policy stance to remain unchanged in the coming months.
  Industrial output rose 7 percent year on year in April, 1 percentage point higher than in March and 0.5 of a percentage point higher than a year ago, according to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on May 15.
  The unemployment rate in urban areas was 4.9 percent, 0.2 of a percentage point lower than in March and 0.1 of a percentage point lower than a year ago.
  China also continued to make headway in its supply-side structural reform, the bureau said. For example, the asset-liability ratio of major enterprises was 56.4 percent at the end of March, 0.8 of a percentage point lower than a year ago.
  However, fi xed assets investment growth fell to 7 percent for the January-April period from 7.5 percent in the fi rst three months. Retail sales grew 9.4 percent in April, down from 11.1 percent in March.
  Property development investment, which is a major driver of overall economic growth, increased 10.3 percent in the fi rst four months of this year, 0.1 of a percentage point lower than the fi rst quarter.
  “China maintained an overall trend of stable and improving growth in April,” said NBS spokeswoman Liu Aihua. “It is capable of maintaining such a trend in the medium and long term.”   “Regulatory tightening in China’s fi nancial system is starting to drag on growth,” said Frederic Neumann, co-head of Asian economic research at HSBC Holdings Plc in Hong Kong.
  Bridge Over Smooth Waters
  Two sections of the Taihe-Ganjiang Bridge are connected in Taihe County, east Chin’s Jiangxi Province, on May 16. At 6.839 km long, the bridge is the most diffi cult part of the Nanchang-Ganzhou railway.

  MSCI’s New Move
  China’s stock market is expected to see a new infl ow of global investment after the world’s top index provider MSCI Inc. announced the fi nal list of Chinese shares to be included in its benchmark equity indices.
  Some 234 domestically listed Chinese companies, ranging from China’s biggest liquor maker Kweichow Moutai, to banking giant Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, will be added to the MSCI system on June 1.
  The inclusion of China’s A shares, yuan-denominated equities traded on mainland stock exchanges, in the MSCI indices will give foreign investors greater exposure to the world’s second largest stock market and also marks the further integration of China’s capital market into the global fi nancial system, analysts said.
  New York-based MSCI said on May 14 that the inclusion will be a two-step process with the initial inclusion of 234 Chinese A shares, where they will represent around 0.39 percent of the weighting on the MSCI Emerging Markets Index.
  The second step will take place in September when the list of shares to be added to the MSCI will be further expanded and it will likely bring the representation of A shares to around 0.8 percent of the MSCI Emerging Market Index.
  The inclusion of A shares means that foreign investors such as exchange-traded funds, pension plans and endowment funds will need to allocate the added Chinese stocks if they want to closely track the MSCI benchmark gauges.
  UBS Securities estimated that the inclusion could lead to $18.4-billion infl ow into the A-share market.
  Tesla in China
  Electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla has set up a wholly-owned subsidiary in Shanghai, the latest effort by the U.S. company to penetrate the Chinese market.
  Tesla received the business license for its subsidiary from the Market Regulation Bureau of the Pudong New Area on May 10, according to the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System.   The newly established subsidiary has a registered capital of 100 million yuan ($15.8 million). Its only shareholder is Tesla Motors HK Ltd.
  The fi rm’s businesses include technology development and transfer for electric cars, auto parts, batteries, energy storage equipment and photovoltaic products, and the wholesale, import and export of such products.
  Earlier the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology said Tesla and the government had maintained good communication and would continue to discuss Tesla’s plant in the city.
  Tesla’s global revenue for 2017 grew 67 percent to nearly $12 billion.The Chinese market contributed $2 billion, up 90 percent.
  Needle and Thread
  Women make handicrafts in Xinjing Town, Jingxi City, south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on May 16.
  In recent years, Jingxi has been committed to the development of handicraft industries, which makes it possible for local women to earn an income at home.

  5G Market Boom
  China is becoming a global leader in the research and development of 5G mobile standards, with the overall market of the country’s 5G industry expected to reach 1.15 trillion yuan($180.5 billion) by 2026, a nearly 50-percent growth compared with its 4G market, according to a consulting company.
  In a white paper on the development of China’s 5G industry, CCID Consulting said that the wide coverage stage of 4G in China has almost fi nished, with the number of 4G base stations reaching 3.28 million. It predicted that the number of 5G base stations will exceed those of 4G base stations by 1.1-1.5 times.
  The 5G industrial chain is usually divided into four parts—base station systems, network architectures, terminal devices and application scenarios, according to the report.
  China’s major device makers have taken a leading position, based on the country’s market advantages and their early layout on technical standards, the report said. With fast commercialization of 5G technologies, domestic vendors are speeding up their R&D of terminal devices.
  New JD Financing
  The reported $2 billion in funds raised by JD Finance, the fi nancial arm of China’s second largest ecommerce player JD, could pave the way for the company’s eventual listing, experts said.
  JD Finance is looking to raise capital that could see its value rise to more than $20 billion, news portal Jiemian. com reported. Investors include China International Capital Corp. Ltd. and State-owned China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corp.   Last year, JD completed the spinoff JD Finance, which was seen as a preparatory move toward its list- ing on a domestic stock exchange, as well as obtaining more fi nancial licenses.
  “JD has ramped up efforts in the Internet fi nance sector and this round of fundraising will have an infl uence on the future public listing of JD Finance,” said Li Chao, a senior analyst at market research fi rm iResearch.
  Li said that the company has expanded its presence in supply chain and consumer fi nance, which are rooted in its online shopping platform, and offers fi nancial services in rural areas.
  “It still lags behind its rival Ant Financial Services Group, the fi nancial affi liate of e-commerce giant Alibaba Group, in the online payment business,” Li added.
  Waste to Wealth
  Tourists pose for a group photo on a glass skywalk at the Zhusha Ancient Town Scenic Spot in Tongren City, southwest China’s Guizhou Province, on May 16.
  The tourist destination was transformed from a depleted mercury mine in 2016 and has so far received more than 5 million visitors.

  Brand Recognition
  Smartphone manufacturer Huawei took the top slot among domestic brands in China for reputation in a recent report from an international research company.
  According to the report from Racepoint Global, a U.S. marketing company, and Reputation Institute, an advisory fi rm, the other Chinese fi rms aside from Huawei that enjoyed high rankings in terms of reputation were Haier, SF Express and Gree.
  International brands such as Intel and Rolex in particular continued to see their reputation enhanced in China among the over 280 companies surveyed.
  “Intangible assets are becoming more important than 40 years ago. Up to 87 percent of global market value was made up of intangible assets at the end of 2017,” said Nicolas Trad, President of Reputation Institute.
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