
来源 :信息经济与技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuyanyan09eight
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这是本刊第二次扩版,第一次是于今年第1期起扩为48页,时隔仅8个月,我们再次增加印张.当您翻看第1期64页的《信息经济与技术》时,一定在急切地进行对比:扩版前后,这本杂志发生了怎样的变化?为了这次扩版,杂志社各部门先后讨论7次,并广泛征集了读者的意见.从提出扩版设想,到确定方案,历时3个月.当我们推出这期杂志时仍然感到匆忙和紧张,我们等待各方面的评价.第一次扩版,我们增加了8块信息版.今年,中国的信息热持续升温,国民经济信息化受到高度重视,信息高速公路、三金工程等热点问题刺激了我国信息业的发展.广大读者要求本刊增加信息量的呼声越来越强烈.同时,本刊所肩负的促进中国信息业发展的神圣使命,促使我们增加对有关国家信息化重要问题的报导和宣传的力度.因此,除了扩版,我们别无选择.读者是我们的上帝.扩版无疑会增加成本,涨价便无可非议.据了解,明年许多报刊都将涨价,印刷及纸张价格也将继续上升.本刊的读者中个人订户占60%,为了读者的利益,我们选 This is the second edition of this issue. The first one is 48 pages starting from the first issue of this year, and only eight months later, we add another printed page. When you look at page 64 of the “Information Economy and Technology ”must be compared urgently: before and after the expansion of the magazine, what happened? For this expansion, the magazine departments have discussed 7 times, and extensive solicitation of the reader’s opinion.From the proposed expansion of the idea, To determine the program, which lasted 3 months.When we launched this issue of the magazine still feel rushed and nervous, we are waiting for all aspects of the evaluation.First expansion, we added 8 pieces of information.This year, China’s information heat continues to heat up , The informationization of the national economy has received great attention, hot issues such as the information superhighway and the Sanjin project have stimulated the development of the information industry in our country, and the readers are demanding more and more information to increase their information volume. The sacred mission of the development of China’s information industry has prompted us to increase our reporting and advocacy efforts on important issues concerning the informatization of our country, so we have no choice but to expand it. The reader is our God. Beyond reproach. It is understood that next year will be the price of many newspapers, printing and paper prices will continue to rise. Readers publication of individual subscribers accounted for 60%, for the benefit of readers, we have chosen
案例教学内容:省编九年义务教育六年制小学《数学》第十一册的《比例尺》。 1.上课一开始,教师就出示了一张《中国地图》。师:你们去旅游过吗?到过哪些地方? 生:(顿时精神振