对瓦氏黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus vachelli)精子在不同盐度和pH下的精子活力进行观察,同时研究了精子在4种不同稀释液与2种不同浓度抗冻剂组成的保存液中的超低温冷冻保存,并开展了冻精的授精实验。结果表明,瓦氏黄颡鱼精子浓度为(2.035±0.179)×1012cell·mL-1,在盐度为5.8、pH为7.17时,精子的活力都高达95%。以A液作为稀释液、10%甲醇作为抗冻剂时,冷冻保存精子效果最好,解冻后精子活力为(81.7±0.9)%。用解冻后的精子进行人工授精,获得的受精率为(88.4±2.1)%,孵化率为(74.0±0.8)%;而鲜精受精率为(91.0±0.8)%,孵化率(82±1.6)%,冻精与鲜精均无显著性差异。人工授精实验证明了解冻后的精子能正常用于该鱼的人工繁殖。
The sperm motility of Pelteobagrus vachelli sperm at different salinities and pHs was observed, and the cryopreservation of spermatozoa in 4 different diluents and 2 cryoprotectants Save, and carried out the insemination of insemination experiments. The results showed that the sperm concentration was (2.035 ± 0.179) × 1012cell · mL-1 and the sperm motility was as high as 95% when the salinity was 5.8 and the pH was 7.17. A solution as a diluent, 10% methanol as cryoprotectant, cryopreservation of sperm best, sperm vitality after thawing (81.7 ± 0.9)%. The rate of fertilization was (88.4 ± 2.1)% and the rate of hatching was (74.0 ± 0.8)%, while the rate of fresh sperm fertilization was (91.0 ± 0.8)% and the rate of hatching was (82 ± 1.6 )%, There is no significant difference between frozen sperm and fresh sperm. Artificial insemination experiments show that thawed sperm can normally be used for artificial breeding of the fish.