为了深入了解日本龟蜡蚧的发生和危害规律 ,对邢台市不同类型枣区日本龟蜡蚧的分布和危害情况进行了调查。结果表明 ,日本龟蜡蚧越冬雌成虫在枣树上的空间分布型为聚集型 ,个体群内和个体群间均为聚集分布 ;该害虫在寄主不同部位、不同方位的危害表现为 :外部 >内部 ,南方 >西方 >东方 >北方 ;不同的林分类型受害程度表现为 :生态环境单一的行栽婆枣林 >生态环境单一的散生慈枣林 >生态环境复杂的散生慈枣林。
In order to know more about the occurrence and hazard of Japanese turtle scale, the distribution and hazard of Japanese turtle scale were studied in different regions of Xingtai. The results showed that the spatial distribution pattern of overwintering female adults of Juveniles japonicus in the jujube tree was aggregated, and all the individuals in the individual groups were clustered and distributed. The hazards of the insects in different parts of the host and in different directions were as follows: external> Inner and Southern> Western> Oriental> Northern; Different types of forest suffer the damage as: single row of ecological environment Po Zaolin> ecological environment single scattered Zizyphus jujuba> ecological environment complex Zixi jujube forest.