Waterless cooling technology is an effective new energy saving technology for small steel rolling furnaces, which can receive obvious effects in saving water, reducing energy consumption and improving the heating quality of billet. However, the heat-resistant steel rails and the silicon carbide-brown steel jade rails currently used are not ideal for service life at high temperature, resulting in the serious impact of the promotion of the non-water cooling technology. In the second half of 1990, on the basis of investigation and research, Tianjin No.4 Steelmaking Plant used the fused zirconia corundum material for glass furnace and used it for the test of waterless cold slide. After more than one year of production practice, it achieved satisfactory results the result of. The mill rolling mill heating furnace effective area 3.1m × 18.5m = 57m ~ 2, heating the billet size of 45 × 45,50 × 50,55 × 55 billets, the maximum output of 25t / h, single-sided heating, high temperature furnace temperature Up to 1320 ~ 1350 ℃, or even higher. Past the furnace