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况周颐(一八五九—一九二六),原名周仪,字夔笙,别号玉梅词人,晚号蕙风词隐,广西临桂人。有《第一生修梅花馆词》,又有《蕙风词话》、《香海棠馆词话》、《餐樱庑词话》、《玉棲述雅》、《词学讲义》、《历代词人考略》等~([一])。晚清四大家之一。《珠花簃词话》为况周颐的一部未刊词话,‘珠花簃’为况周颐居金陵时的书齌名,况氏作于金陵的《玉梅后词序》后记云:‘自识于秦淮俟庐珠花簃。’故名。《珠花簃词话》不见况氏之外其他人著録引用。《珠花簃词话》可能是况氏为自作词话初擬定之名,抑或尚未成书。写作时间应早于写作《历代词人考略》的一九一七年。 Zhou Yi Zhou (1859 - 1926), formerly known as Zhou Yi, the word 夔 Sheng, alias Yumei Ci, Night Lime Feng Ci, Guangxi Pro Gui people. There are “the first life to learn plum hall words”, there are “Lifeng words”, “Xiang Begonia Pavilion words”, “meal Ying 庑 words”, “Yu Qushi elegant”, “word lectures” Test “and so on ~ ([a]). One of four people in late Qing Dynasty. For example, Zhou Pei’s account was not published. Zhou’s hometown was Jinling’s book name, and Kuang’s Jinyu’s ”Post-Yu Mian sequence“ postscript cloud: ’Self-conscious Qinhuai 俟House pearl flowers 簃. ’Name. ”Pearl Chu 簃 words,“ not seen outside the case of other people cited references. ”Pearl Chu 簃 words“ may be Kuang Shi for the self-made words in the early formulation of the name, or have not yet become a book. The writing time should be earlier than that of writing in 1917, ”A Survey of Ci Writers of All Dynasties."
据《2016上半年全球造船行业三大指标统计分析报告》,上半年,除造船完工量输给韩国外,我国在手持订单量和新接订单量方面仍然占据世界头把交椅,其强劲地位不可撼动。前6月,世界造船完工量为5431万载重吨,同比上升8.75%。世界三大造船国中,韩国造船完工量居全球之首,占37.1% ,达2017万。中国贡献1794万载重吨,全球占比33%。日本完工量1293万载重吨,世界占比23.8%;世界造船手持订