在机器制造业中加工零件时一个最重要的任务就是节约金属和提高材料的利用系数。冷镦体积变形的材料利用系数可以达到1,但是对一些合金结构钢进行冷镦,这种可能性受到较大程度的限制。另外对一些钢种,诸如用40x、40xH 和40xHM 等生产螺栓时,为了提高模具的使用寿命和获得最大的塑性变形量,因此,需要复杂而又昂贵的球化退火设备。在莫斯科李哈乔夫汽车厂和西西伯利亚冶金厂共同努力下,研试成抗拉强度达1000兆帕的高强度螺栓用新钢种17Г2 P(1兆帕a=0.10196公斤/毫米~2,译注)。这种钢与上述合金结构钢相比,具有较优的
One of the most important tasks when machining parts in the machine building industry is to save the metal and increase the material utilization factor. Cold forging deformation of the material utilization factor can reach 1, but some of the alloy steel cold heading, this possibility is subject to a greater degree of restrictions. In addition, some types of steel, such as the production of bolts 40x, 40xH and 40xHM, etc., in order to improve the service life of the mold and to obtain the greatest amount of plastic deformation, therefore, requires complex and expensive ball annealing equipment. With the joint efforts of the Leekhoffov Motor Depot in Moscow and the West Siberian Metallurgical Plant, a new type of high-strength bolt with a tensile strength of 1000 MPa has been studied with a 17-square-meter steel (17 MPa) Annotation). This kind of steel is superior to the above alloy structural steel