本项目主要研究FIRA 5vs5大比赛场地环境下足球机器人的进攻策略的设计。策略首先对射门[1]函数按照球所处的半场进行制约,避免乌龙球的出现。其次,策略针对了传球问题中球易被被拦截的情况,提出了旋转传球的改进方法,通过该方法,能够大大缩短传球球员位移到最佳击球点的时间,提高了传球的稳定性和协助进攻的成功率。
This project mainly studies the design of offensive tactics of soccer robots in FIRA 5 vs 5 venues. Strategy first shot [1] function in accordance with the half-court where the ball constraints, to avoid the emergence of the ball. Secondly, the strategy aims at the problem that the ball is easily intercepted in the problem of passing, and proposes an improved method of rotating passing, which can greatly shorten the time when the passing player moves to the best shot and improve the passing The stability and the success rate of assisting in the attack.