In this study, teaching experiments and questionnaires involving 100 distance-based English learners for 12 weeks were used to explore the validity of using written corrective feedback to improve the accuracy of remote English learners’ use of English in the past and past. Participants were divided into three groups, Group 1 received direct feedback with only the correct answer, Group 2 received indirect feedback containing only metalanguage information, and Control Group received no feedback. The results of pretest, posttest in time and postponement of postponed test after 10 weeks showed that the scores of posttest and postponement in test group were significantly higher than those of pretest but not in control group. This shows that corrective feedback can effectively improve learners to use two kinds of tense accuracy. Subsequent surveys revealed the attitude of distance learners to corrective feedback. This study further confirms that written corrective feedback is effective for adult distance EFL learners and that direct feedback is superior to indirect feedback.