本文对茺蔚子及发现的伪品进行了性状、显微特征鉴定和紫外分光光谱鉴定,确认该品种在性状、横切面特征、紫外分光光谱上均与正品茺蔚子不同,确系为茺蔚子的伪品。 茺蔚子为唇形科植物益母草Leonurus heterophyllus Sweet的干燥成熟果实,具有活血调经、清肝明目的作用,药材一直未见过伪品,但最近发现一种以辱形科某种植物的小坚果掺入茺蔚子作药材用,其来源尚有待考证,本文对茺蔚子及其伪品就性状、显微特征、紫外分光光谱进行比较鉴别。
In this paper, the traits, microscopic characteristics and ultraviolet spectroscopy were performed to identify and identify the pseudo-fabricated products. It was confirmed that the variety was different from that of the genuine wolfberry in terms of traits, cross-section characteristics, and UV spectroscopy. Wei Zi’s counterfeit goods. Zhai Weizi is a dry mature fruit of Leonurus heterophyllus Sweet, a mother plant of the labiatae family. It has the effect of regulating blood circulation and clearing the liver, and has never seen counterfeit products, but recently discovered a kind of nutlet of a plant of the family Aphididae. For the use of wolfberry as a medicinal material, its source has yet to be validated. This article compares the characteristics, microscopic characteristics, and ultraviolet spectroscopy of Xun Weizi and its counterfeits.