21世纪,是知识经济的时代。经济与技术的发展促使企业必须加强管理。特别是中国即将进入WTO,企业更加需要加强管理。因此, ERP软件这块市场十分活跃。在20世纪末曾有上百家ERP(企业管理软件)厂商。最近又听说天心集团公司挟台之市场威力(全台管理软件前三强
The 21st century is an era of knowledge economy. Economic and technological development impels enterprises to strengthen management. In particular, China is about to enter the WTO. Enterprises need to strengthen management. Therefore, ERP software market is very active. In the late 20th century there have been hundreds of ERP (enterprise management software) vendors. Recently, I heard Tianxin Group Corporation to market the power of Taiwan (the top three management software