国家《档案法》的公布,使档案工作有法可依,有章可循,成为搞好档案工作的基本法。 《档案法》第二章档案机构及其职责规定:“县以上地方各级人民政府的档案行政管理部门主管本行政区域内的档案事业。并对本行政区域内机关、团体、企业事业单位和其他组织的档案工作实行监督和指导。”“地方各级各类档案馆,是集中管理档案的文化事业机构,负责接收、收集、整理、保
The publication of the “Archives Law” of the country has enabled the archives work to be governed by the laws and rules, and has become the basic law for doing a good job in file archives. The second chapter of the “Archives Law” refers to the archives agencies and their duties and responsibilities: “The archives administrative departments of the people’s governments at various levels above the county level shall be responsible for the archival work within their respective administrative regions, and shall provide the archives and records to the organs, organizations, enterprises and institutions within the administrative region and other The organization of archives supervision and guidance. ”" All levels of archives at all levels, is a centralized management of archives of cultural institutions, is responsible for receiving, collecting, sorting, insurance