1951年6月25日,在法国旺斯地区的一座奇特的建筑——大念珠小礼拜堂中举行了祝圣仪式。小礼堂镶嵌着一幅幅崭新的艺术作品。这是82岁高龄的老画家亨利·马蒂斯献给上帝与世人的又一件美妙杰作,它将传统与现代、程式与自由灵性融为一体,既美妙动人又散放着宗教的虔诚。人们惊讶了,他们不禁疑问,是什么促使马蒂斯在生命的晚年始终保持着伟大艺术家的灵感? 故事要从10年前说起。1941年3月,马蒂斯因病接受手术治疗。此后,疾病一直纠缠着他,他衰弱得几乎无法站立。翌年,一位女护士出现在马蒂斯在旺斯的家中。这是一位年轻女孩,她出身贫寒,自
On June 25, 1951, a blessing ceremony was held in Chapel of the Rosary, a peculiar building in the French region of Vence. The auditorium is framed with a brand new piece of art. This is another wonderful masterpiece by 82-year-old painter Henry Matisse dedicated to God and to the world. It blends tradition with modernity, programming and freedom of spirituality. It is beautiful and moving with religious devotion. People are surprised, they can not help but question, what prompted Martis in his later years of life has always been the inspiration of the great artists? The story to start from 10 years ago. In March 1941, Matisse was undergoing surgical treatment for her illness. Since then, the disease has been entangled with him, he is weak and almost impossible to stand. The following year, a female nurse appeared at Matthias’ home in Vence. This is a young girl, she was born poor