2004年,我国冰箱市场烽烟四起,大大小小的冰箱企业为了争夺市场大打价格战,科龙一头扎进了以康拜恩为代表的低端冰箱市场,新飞也推行差异化战略,迅速向中低档冰箱市场摊开。国产冰箱迅速占领低端市场的同时,几乎把高档冰箱市场完全让给了以伊莱克斯、LG、三星为代表的洋品牌。 做为世界冰箱制造大国,我国冰箱业总产销量稳居世界第一,然而在我国高端冰箱市场,国产品牌无论在价格
In 2004, China’s refrigerator market everywhere, big and small refrigerator enterprises in order to fight the market price war, Kelon plunged into a low-end refrigerator market represented by Kang Baien, the new flight also implement differentiation strategy, rapid To the low-end refrigerator market spread out. Domestic refrigerators quickly occupied the low-end market at the same time, almost to the high-end refrigerator market completely to the Electrolux, LG, Samsung as the representative of foreign brands. As the world’s largest refrigerator maker, China’s total output and sales of the refrigerator industry ranked first in the world, however, in China’s high-end refrigerator market, both domestic brands in the price