近年来,江苏省射阳县凤东村农民陈维昌,摸索出一整套莱豆早熟高效栽培新技术,现简介如下: 一、选种留种 选用优质高产的白玉莱豆作良种。每年于生长期间选具有本品种特征、生长键壮的植株作为种株。待种子成熟时,再选采肥大饱满的豆荚,晒干取种,贮藏备用。
In recent years, Chen Weichang, a farmer from Fengdong Village, Sheyang County, Jiangsu Province, has worked out a set of new technologies for effective early cultivation of Leghorn. The brief introduction is as follows: I. Selection of species for selection The quality and high yield of Baiyulei bean is used as the seed. Each year in the growth period selected with the characteristics of this species, grow strong key plant as seed. When the seeds mature, re-election plump full of pods, dried and planted, stored for future use.