众所周知,当今的世界是一个竞争异常激烈的世界。在竞争中获胜是每个竞争者的愿望。如何才不辜负自己火一般炽热的想要竞争成功的愿望,你得在你从事的领域中有“辟蹊径,建奇勋”的胆识和胸怀。 只要独辟蹊径,就能建功立业;《孙子兵法》提倡“以正合,以奇胜。”注重定奇策,设奇计,出奇兵,制奇胜。能称为典范的独辟蹊径者《三国演义》中的邓艾。他大胆地“从阴平小路出汉中德阳亭,用奇兵径取成都”,为三国归晋扫除了第一个障碍。同一部书中的诸葛亮不采纳魏延建议,走“取路出褒中,循秦岭以东,当子午谷而挑北,不过十日,可到长安”的蹊径,而是摆出正规征战的姿态,六出祁山,劳而无功,结果是“出师未捷身先死,长使英雄泪沾襟”。其实我们从当时司马懿的话中就能为诸葛亮放弃这条蹊径而惋惜。司马懿说:“若是吾用兵,先从子午谷径取长安,早得多时矣。”
As we all know, today’s world is an extremely competitive world. Winning in the competition is the wish of every competitor. How do you live up to your own fire-hot desire to compete successfully, you have to have “courage and conscience” in your field. As long as the new ways, you can build merits; “Art of War,” advocate “to coincide, to win with odd.” Can be called a model of the creative novel “Three Kingdoms” in Deng Ai. He boldly “grasped Yang Deming in Hanzhong through the path of Yinping and took Chengdu as a saber”, clearing the first obstacle for the return of the Three Kingdoms to the Jin. In the same book, Zhuge Liang did not adopt the proposal of Wei Yan, and took the path of “getting rid of praise, following the Qinling Mountains to the east and picking the north when the Meridian Valley, but on the 10th, Chang’an could be reached” , Six out of Qishan, labor and vain, the result is “not a successor to death, make the hero tear stained.” As a matter of fact, we regret that Zhuge Liang gave up this path from the words of Sima Yi at the time. Sima Yi said: “If I use our troops, take the diameter of the Chang’an from the Meridian Valley, much earlier.”