玛莎·稻德(Martha Eccles Dodd,1908一)是美国著名进步女作家,著有反对德国法西斯主义的回忆录《通过大使馆的眼睛》(Through Embassy Eyes)、小说《播种风儿》(Sowing TheWind,1945)与反对美国法西斯主义的小说《疾风劲草》(Searching Light,1955,我国已有译本)等。稻德近年来积极参加国际上各种进步活动,并且写下了不少政论、通讯与散文,这些文章我刊已陆续发表过一些,如:《不准通过》(一九六○年十月号)、《囚禁烈火?》(一九六一年四月号)、《罗伯逊与海明威》(一九六三年六月号)与《“侵犯了一个白人”》(一九六三年九月号)。稻德最近在古巴访问,这里发表的这篇政论就是作者从古巴寄给我刊的。
Martha Eccles Dodd (1908-1) is a noted American progressive woman writer with Through Embassy Eyes, a memoir of German fascism, Sowing TheWind , 1945) and the novel “Searching Light” (1955, translated in our country), which is opposed to American fascism. In recent years, he has taken an active part in various international progressive activities and has written many political opinions, communications and essays. Some of his articles have been published in the past few years, such as: “No Approval” (October 1960) (1961 April), Robertson and Hemingway (June 1963) and the White infringed upon a white man (1963 September issue). In a recent visit to Cuba by Dade, the political statement published here was sent to me by the author from Cuba.