CIS(Corporate Identity System)是包括企业经营理念MI(Mind Identity)、企业行为规范BI(Behavior Identity)、企业视觉传达VI(Visual Identity)在内的企业整体形象识别系统,我们一般简称之方CI。 CI设计起源于西方,本世纪初德国AEG电器公司在产品系列化设计中所采用的整体规划被视之为CI发展的雏形。50年代美国IBM公司由于率先导入CI而成为“前卫、科技、智慧”的超级企业。其后,德国的BRAUN电器公司;美国的可口可乐公司;意大利的菲亚特汽车公司;英国航空公司;法国航空公司等先后导入CI,使之发展为颇具实力的国际化公司。70年代以来,日本的马自达汽
CIS (Corporate Identity System) is a corporate image recognition system that includes Mind Identity, Behavior Identity and Visual Identity, which we generally refer to as CI. CI design originated in the West, the beginning of this century Germany AEG Electric Company in product design series used in the overall planning is seen as the prototype of CI development. In the 1950s, IBM in the United States became a superstar of “avant-garde, technology and intelligence” because it first introduced CI. Subsequently, the German BRAUN electrical company; the United States Coca-Cola Company; Italy’s Fiat Motor Company; British Airways; Air France has introduced CI, so that the development of considerable strength of international companies. Since the 1970s, Japan’s Mazda Automobile