
来源 :洛阳考古 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asdfghjkb
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2008年4~8月,郑州市文物考古研究院在河南荥阳凤凰台遗址进行了抢救性发掘,清理了一批不同时期的文化遗存。这里介绍的13座战国墓葬,出土有完整的陶器(组合),年代大致在战国中、晚期,为该地区战国时期墓葬的研究提供了新的资料。 From April to August 2008, Zhengzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archeology conducted a rescue excavation on the site of Fenghuangtai in Leiyang, Henan Province, clearing up a batch of cultural relics in different periods. The 13 tombs of Warring States presented here are unearthed with complete pottery (combination). The era was roughly in the middle and late Warring States period, which provided new information for the study of tombs in the Warring States Period in this area.