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中共十九大报告指出,坚持房子是用来住的、不是用来炒的定位,加快建立多主体供给、多渠道保障、租购并举的住房制度,让全体人民住有所居。表明了中国共产党对住房问题的高度重视。这些年,投资住房一度成为某些人快速致富的捷径。在一些热点城市,由于投资投机性需求旺盛,使得住房成为少数人牟取暴利的工具,不仅造成市场上住房供求关系失衡,也使得房地产业严重偏离了居住的本质属性和改善民生的目标,房价的上涨不仅牵动着老百姓的心,也直接影响我国 The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that insisting that the house is used for living should not be used for speculation and should be accelerated to establish a housing system with multi-agent supply, multi-channel guarantee and rent-purchase simultaneously so that all the people will live in dwelling houses. This shows that the Chinese Communist Party attaches great importance to housing issues. In recent years, investment in housing was once a shortcut for some to get rich quick. In some hot cities, due to the speculative investment demand, making housing a tool for profiteering for a few people has not only caused the unbalance of supply and demand of housing in the market, but also caused the real estate industry to deviate from the essential attributes of living and the goal of improving people’s livelihood. The rise not only affects the hearts of ordinary people, but also directly affects our country