廉洁自律是我们党对每个党员 ,尤其是领导干部提出的政治要求。各级党员干部 ,特别是领导干部只有高标准、严要求 ,廉洁自律 ,维护好自身形象 ,才能带领广大干部、群众奋发图强、励精图治 ,早日实现我们党提出的宏伟目标。笔者认为 ,领导干部廉洁自律应当做到“五要” :一、廉?
Self-discipline and self-discipline are the political demands put forward by our party for every party member, especially leading cadres. Only with a high standard and strict demands, honest and self-discipline, and maintaining their own image, can Party members and cadres at all levels and leading cadres lead cadres and the masses make every effort to achieve the grand goal set forth by our party as soon as possible. The author believes that leading cadres should be honest and self-disciplined “five to”: First, honest?