患者男,60岁,因腹痛腹泻2月反复加剧,于1980年1月18日入院(住院号80241)。入院诊断:慢性肠炎。经对症处理病情缓解。因自诉一周来有轻度吞咽不适而作上消化道检查。钡餐:未见异常。胃镜:距门齿40cm 贲门部见直径0.3cm 小溃疡,底部黄色,边缘出血,余无异常。在溃疡处取芝麻大组织三块,刷片三张。病理报告:贲门高分化腺癌(见图);刷片查见异型增生细胞。1980年1月30日作近端胃切除,胃食管吻合术。切除标本见贲门部有0.3×0.5cm 粘膜轻度隆起,表面糜烂。切除标本全部包埋(共56个蜡块,其中33个为胃粘膜席卷)。全部切片经仔细观察,未查见腺癌残留,仅见轻度萎缩性胃炎,肠上皮化生及灶性轻度异型增生。原活检部位组织块经深切
The patient, male, 60 years old, was repeatedly intensified in February due to abdominal pain and diarrhea and was admitted to hospital on January 18, 1980 (Hospital No. 80241). Admission diagnosis: chronic enteritis. The symptomatic treatment relieved the condition. An upper digestive examination was performed due to slight swallowing discomfort during one week of private prosecution. Barium meal: no exception. Gastroscope: 40cm from the incisor. See 0.3cm in diameter in the cardia. The ulcer is small, the bottom is yellow, the edge is bleeding, and there is no abnormality. Take three pieces of sesame tissue at the ulcer and three pieces of brush. Pathology report: Cardiac well-differentiated adenocarcinoma (see figure); brush examination of dysplastic cells. January 30, 1980 for proximal gastrectomy, gastroesophageal anastomosis. Excisional specimens showed a slight swelling of the mucous membrane (0.3 x 0.5 cm) at the fontanelle and erosion of the surface. All specimens were resected (a total of 56 wax blocks, of which 33 were gastric mucosa swept). All the sections were carefully observed. No adenocarcinoma was found. Only mild atrophic gastritis, intestinal metaplasia, and focal mild dysplasia were observed. The original biopsy site was deeply cut