
来源 :北京党史 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dengyq2000
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陕西在研究榆林地区组织史资料时,出现了陕北早期建党时间和陕北党组织的隶属关系问题两种不同的意见:一种意见认为,1924年由李大钊和中共北京区委领导建立的;另一种意见认为1926年1月建立,“开始归中共中央直接领导,一度归豫陕区委领导,1926年2月以后才归北方区委领导”。陕北,在第二次国内革命战争时期,是全国苏区先后沦陷敌手的情况下唯一保留下来的红色区域。成了中国工农红军万里长征北上的落脚点,党中央设址延安、领导全国人民胜利地进行了伟大的抗日战争和全国解放战争,陕北在中国革命斗争史上有着重要位置.原全国政协副主席李维汉同志1980年来陕西时,要求陕西党史工作者要搞清楚陕甘宁边区的头一个支部在哪里?领导和创建人是谁?因此在编纂中共组织史资料时,考证准确陕北这段党的历史有着重要意义。 When studying the history of organization in Yulin area, Shaanxi saw two different opinions on the relationship between the early founding time of Shanbei and the affiliation of the Party organizations in northern Shaanxi. One opinion was that in 1924, Li Dazhao and the CPC Beijing Committee established the leadership. Another opinion was established in January 1926 and “started to be directly led by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. It was once headed by the CPC Central Committee of the People’s Republic of China and was led by the Northern District Committee after February 1926.” In northern Shaanxi, during the period of the Second Revolutionary Civil War, it was the only remaining red zone in the Soviet Union that had fallen into enemy rivalry. Became the foothold of the Long March of the Workers ’and Peasants’ Red Army in north China. The CPC Central Committee set up its headquarters in Yan’an and led the people throughout the country in the victory of the Great Anti-Japanese War and the National Liberation War. The former Shaanxi Province played an important role in the history of the Chinese revolution. When Comrade Li Weihan came to Shaanxi in 1980, he demanded that Party history workers in Shaanxi should find out where the first branch of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia border region is headed and who the leader and founder are. Therefore, when compiling the historical materials of the CPC’s communist organization, The history is of great significance.
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