By means of NMR, the morphology and dynamic behavior of water in the slurry were revealed, and the relationship between the properties of the slurry was studied.The chemical shifts of water proton in the Shenfu coal-petroleum coke-water slurry (CPCWS) Coal coke coal content of the linear relationship between NMR and measured chemical bound irreducible water δb, derive the formula to calculate the bound water content of the slurry slurry from CPCWS chemical shifts of water proton and slurry apparent Viscosity correlation curve can determine the best proportion of the slurry measured in the whole coke slurry water proton spin-lattice relaxation time T1 42 times larger than the whole coal slurry, discusses the CPCWS T1 with coal content trends Experiments show that T1 can be used as a quantitative characterization of hydrophobic or hydrophilic carbonaceous particles in CPCWS as well as water molecule morphology and dynamic behavior.