有人说,20世纪初至中叶是中国地质学界产生泰斗级人物的时代。 中国现代地质学的奠基人章鸿钊,地质力学的泰斗李四光,大地构造理论的大师黄汲清,古生物化石研究的巨擘杨钟健……高山仰止,在向科学顶峰攀登的梯级路上,从来不乏后来者。 让我们把目光回溯到2002年4月12日,太平洋的那一端,春意正浓,美国南加州大学报告厅,一位身材微瘦,身着黑色礼服的中国科学家步入领奖台,在接受世界环境科学最高奖(素有“环境科学诺贝尔奖”之称)“泰勒环境奖”奖牌的一刹那,整个会场爆发出热烈的掌声。 他,就是中国科学院院士刘东生。 手捧金灿灿的奖牌,看到台下来自世界各国不同肤色的地质界同行,刘东生感慨万端: “中国地质学研究成果终于登上国际舞台的制高点了……” 这一年,刘东生刚好85岁。 2004年2月20日,2003年度国家最高科技奖颁奖大会在人民大会堂隆重举行。中国科学院院士、中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所研究员刘东生走上领奖台,他步履稳健,精神矍铄,一派学者儒雅风度;思路清晰,谈吐自如,又不失风趣与幽默。 此时,刘东生的生命之树已经拓展了87个年轮。 仿佛在一夜之间,人们认识了先前“默默无闻”的刘东生…… 让我们怀着无比的虔诚与深深的敬仰,去追溯有“黄土之父”美誉的刘东生少年的足迹,去拜谒科学家
Some people say that from the early 20th century to the middle of the 20th century was a period when the Chinese geology community produced a great leader. Zhang Hongzhao, the founder of modern Chinese geology, Li Siguang, the master of geomechanics, Huang Jiqing, the master of tectonic theory, and Yang Zhongjian, the giant of fossils research on paleontology, have never lag behind in the ladder to climb the scientific summit. Let’s turn our attention back to the Pacific Ocean on April 12, 2002. Spring is coming. In the lecture hall of the University of Southern California, a thin Chinese figure dressed in a black dress enters the podium, The highest award of the world’s environmental science (known as “Nobel Prize in Environmental Science”) “Taylor Environmental Award” medal at the moment, the whole venue broke out a warm applause. He is the Chinese Academy of Sciences Liu Dongsheng. Holding a golden medal, see the audience from different parts of the world in different geological geology colleagues, Liu Dongsheng confused: “China’s geological research has finally boarded the international stage of the commanding height ... ...” This year, Liu Dongsheng just 85 years old. February 20, 2004, the 2003 National Supreme Science and Technology Awards Presentation Ceremony was held in the Great Hall of the People. Liu Dongsheng, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a researcher at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, took to the podium. He is steady and energetic with a scholarly style of demeanor. His thinking is clear and concise, with no loss of humor and humor. At this point, the tree of life of Liu Dongsheng has expanded 87 annual rings. As if overnight, people knew Liu Dongsheng, who had previously been “unknown” ... Let us trace the footsteps of Liu Dongsheng, who has the reputation of “the father of the loess”, to pay homage to scientists with great devotion and deep admiration