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最近,我们就新形势下如何搞好我军优良传统教育的问题,到一些部队和院校进行了专题调查,感到新形势下搞好我军优良传统教育,必须着力解决好以下几个问题。 一、端正认识,在提高自觉性上下功夫 调查表明,对新的中央军委关于发扬优良传统,保持老红军本色的有关指示和要求,大多数官兵的认识是正确的,表示积极支持和拥护,但也有一部分同志对此感到不理解,存在一些模糊认识。一是认为传统“过时”了,在发展市场经济的条件下再讲传统“不合时宜”。二是认为 Recently, on the issue of how to do a good job in traditional fine education in the new situation under the new situation, we conducted a special investigation into some units and institutions and felt that we should do well in the following aspects if we do a good job in our traditional and traditional education under the new situation. First, correct understanding and efforts to raise awareness Work shows that the majority of officers and men are correct in their understanding of the new instructions and requirements of the Central Military Commission about developing their fine traditions and maintaining the true nature of the Old Red Army. They show their active support and support. However, Some comrades did not understand this and there was some vague understanding. First, think of the traditional “outdated” and talk about the traditional “out of date” under the conditions of developing a market economy. Second, think