1988年12月,甘肃省武威麻纺厂在修地下污水管道时,在武威市北郊金羊乡宋家园村发现了唐代砖室墓葬,市博物馆进行了抢救性的清理发掘。经过清理,出土唐代墓志铭一合和一批花墓砖;随后又在宋家园村七组村民家中征集到70年代此处出土的隋代墓志一合。现均收藏于市博物馆。现将这两块墓志和清理的墓葬情况简述如下: 隋代墓志铭一合。志盖呈方盝顶形,边长51、厚6厘米,盝顶上部边长27、厚9厘
In 1988 December, Wuwei Ma spinning plant in Gansu Province under the sewer pipeline, in Wuwei City, northern suburbs of Jinyang Township Song Village found the tombs of the Tang Dynasty tombs, the city museum conducted a rescue clean-up excavation. After cleaning, unearthed a collection of Tang Dynasty epitaphs and a number of flower tomb tiles; then in Song Jiayuan seven village villagers gathered in the 70s unearthed here Sui Dynasty epitaphs. Now are collected in the city museum. Now these two epitaphs and tombs clean up as follows: Sui Dynasty epitaphs together. Chigai was square 盝 top shape, side length 51, 6 cm thick, 盝 top of the top side length 27, thickness 9 PCT