2月11日,被我们叫顺了“荷赛”的第43届世界新闻摄影比赛揭晓。中国女记者王瑶的获奖使每年2月都有的“荷赛”热热度更高。如何冷静、客观地看待和评价“荷赛”,如何正确认识中国新闻摄影的现状及与世界新闻摄影的关系,成为摆在我们面前迫切需要探讨和解决的一个问题。 中国为何要成为“荷赛”的泱泱大国? 在本届“荷赛”揭晓10天后,在北京召开的一次“中国新闻摄影与‘荷赛’”的座谈会上,一位“荷赛”评委提出的“中国应该成为‘荷赛’泱泱大国”的观点得到了较多人的赞同。我认为,这观点过于乐观,甚至可以说不切实际。东西方意识形态、价值观念的冲突和差异决定了中国无法也没有必要成为“荷赛”的泱泱大国。
On February 11, the 43rd World Press Photo Contest announced by us as “Homer” was announced. Chinese female reporter Wang Yao’s award gives “Heyxu” a hotshot every February. How to treat and evaluate the “Dutch Games” objectively and objectively and how to correctly understand the current situation of China’s news photography and its relationship with the world’s news photography have become an issue urgently needed to be explored and solved beforehand. Why did China become a big power in the “Dutch race?” At the forum of “China’s news photography and the Dutch race” held in Beijing 10 days after this “Dutch race” was announced, a “Dutch race” The view made by the judges that “China should become a” great power “in the Dutch race has gained more approval. I think this view is too optimistic, or even impractical. Conflicts and differences in ideology and values between the East and the West determine that China can not and does not need to be a big power in the ”Dutch race."