Based on the three-coupled-oscillator molecular model we proposed, the relation between the second-order susceptibilities of a chiral film and the molecular hyp
Institute of Theoretical Physics, School of Physics and Electronics, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004, ChinaThe equilibrium geometries and electronic properties
The interesting phenomenon of frame dragging which is associated with the rotation of the source in the field of Kerr family is discussed, and the angular veloc
Target ionization accompanied with projectile electron loss is investigated for 0.2-7 MeV Cq+ (q = 1-4) with He and 0.25-5 MeV Oq+ (q = 1-4) with He collisions.
还没到上课时间,孔老师就来到教室,把挂在教室四周的气球取了下来。这一长串颜色各异、大小不一的气球,你挨着我,我挨着你,错落有致,漂亮极了。为什么要取下来呢?我脑海中浮现出一个大大的问号。 上课铃声响了,孔老师把我们集合到教学楼一楼空旷的大厅里,手里紧握着那串气球,高声说:“同学们,咱们今天来玩个游戏吧……”还没等老师说是什么游戏,我们就化身一群小麻雀,兴奋得叽叽喳喳議论个不停。孔老师大声清了清嗓
In this paper the mixing of a sample in the curved microchannel with heterogeneous surface potentials is analysed numerically by using the control-volume-based
妈妈是一个名副其实的“花痴”。 每个周末,妈妈都会抽出时间去花市逛逛。整条街熙熙攘攘,各种各样的花草琳琅满目。妈妈摸摸这盆,闻闻那盆,瞬间踮起脚,又猛然蹲下身子,不知疲倦,穿梭在各种鲜花、绿草中,陶醉在美不胜收的绿色海洋中。 突然,我发現妈妈盯着一盆兰花愣住了神儿。这盆兰花的叶子如长剑,看着高垂柔弱,摸上去却坚韧无比。“这是什么品种的兰花?怎么养的?”妈妈认真地问起老板。“这是寒兰,喜欢阳光,
Sedimentation of particles in inclined and vertical vessels in numerically simulated using a finite volume method where the Eulerian multiphase model is applied