After trying a lot of shooting methods, it seems a little discouraged - no matter how the beat, the little guy at home looks always lazy, love answering. Is there any simple way to shoot the cats funny way? Together with the teacher to learn the following tips, let your cat instantly become super funny big cat! Cat fans may think that cats must be good to use SLR cameras must not. Xiao Xian teachers recently tried several consumer cameras, proved to make good use of the characteristics of consumer cameras, but also give full play to the cat baby lively interest in the efficacy, and even ordinary SLR cameras are not easy to achieve the effect Some cameras have ultra-wide-angle focal lengths, it is suitable for shoots the scenery, used to shoot near the scene is prone to deformation. However, we can use this feature to play the big cat shooting - would like to try your cat baby into a cute look like a big cat?