
来源 :中国电力企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zwb19860
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1~6月,全国电力供需总体保持平衡,全国用电市场延续上年以来中速增长态势,增速较上年同期小幅回落;水电发电量同比保持两位数快速增长,水电利用小时提高较多,火电发电量低速增长,火电大省利用小时数同比均有所下降。电网工程完成投资同比快速增长,电源投资同比略有下降,其中核电投资同比减速较大。基建新增发电装机容量较上年同期增长超过两成,火电在建规模同比大幅减少。全国跨省区送电量保持平稳增长。6月,全社会用电量增速比上月略有上升,城乡居民生活用电量增速同比、环比均明显提高;制造业用电量同比小幅增长。四大高耗能行业用电量增速同比增速较上月有所回落。水电发电量同比增速较上年同期大幅回落;全国跨区送电量同比快速增长,南方电网西电东送电量同比出现负增长,但电量 From January to June, the overall national electricity supply and demand maintained a balanced trend. The national power market continued its medium-speed growth trend from the previous year, with a slight decrease from the growth in the same period of last year. The hydroelectric power generation maintained a double-digit growth year-on-year and the hourly utilization of hydropower increased In addition, the thermal power generation capacity grew at a low rate, and the thermal power utilization hours of the major provinces decreased year on year. Year-on-year growth of investment in grid construction projects showed a year-on-year decrease in investment in power supply, of which nuclear power investment slowed down year on year. Infrastructure installed capacity increased by more than 20% over the same period last year, the scale of thermal power under construction significantly reduced year on year. Power transmission across national provinces maintained steady growth. In June, the growth rate of total electricity consumption in the whole society increased slightly from last month. The growth rate of electricity consumption by urban and rural residents was significantly higher than that of the same period of last year, and the chain index increased markedly. The consumption of manufacturing electricity increased slightly. The four major high-energy-consuming industries grew at a year-on-year rate of increase from the previous month. The year-on-year growth rate of hydropower dropped sharply compared with that of the same period of last year. The nationwide cross-district power transmission increased rapidly year-on-year, while the power transmission from west to east of China Southern Power Grid showed a negative growth year-on-year,
【摘要】随着工程建设项目的不断增多,填土地基结构也变得越来越复杂,尤其是遇到软弱地基问题时,为了保证工程的整体建设质量以及稳定性,相关施工单位就要采取压密注浆技术来对这类填土地基进行有效处理,这样才能确保工程的顺利开展,达到最终的施工目的。本文也會通过实际工程案例,对压密注浆技术的应用原理和处理方法进行详细的分析,并提出一些相应的优化建议,以便相关人士参考。  【关键词】压密注浆技术;既有建构筑物