沥青路面的平整度是反映路面质量、行车舒适性的重要指标之一。在施工中,影响沥青路面平整度的因素主要有以下几方面。 1.基层平整度对沥青面层平整度的影响 首先,基层平整度差直接影响沥青摊铺机“滤波”功能的实现及自找平特性的发挥;其次,基层平整度差导致摊铺机铺筑的面层松铺厚度相差较大,因为松铺系数是一定的,经碾压后表面的沉降量也相差较大,从而大大降低平整度。因此,在基层施工中要严
The smoothness of asphalt pavement is one of the important indexes that reflect the road quality and driving comfort. In construction, the factors that affect the smoothness of asphalt pavement mainly include the following aspects. First, the formation of flatness on the asphalt surface roughness First, the formation of poor direct impact on asphalt paver “filtering” function and the self-leveling features to play; Secondly, the formation of poor paving machine paving The thickness of the loose layer of the surface layer is quite different, because the coefficient of the loose layer is certain, and the settlement of the surface after lamination is also greatly different, thus greatly reducing the flatness. Therefore, strict construction in the grassroots