老年旅游:潜力极大 中国旅游市场刚刚起步

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每天,从清晨到深夜,北京前门大街上从世界各地来的游客或三三两两、或成群结队,游览购物。每年、每月、每天,游客在不断变化着。将历年的游客比较一下,明显的变化是:老年游客越来越多。不仅是北京前门大街,如果留心,在很多地区的旅游者中,老年游客在旅游人数中的占比越来越大。联合国规定:凡65岁以上的老年人口占总人口的比例达7%以上,或60岁以上老年人口在总人口中的比重超过10%,属老年型国家或地区。中国到2020年60岁以上的老人将达到2.5亿,65岁以上老龄 Every day, from early morning till late at night, tourists from all over the world on Qianmen Street in Beijing or in twos and threes, or in droves and shopping trips. Every year, every month, every day, tourists are constantly changing. Compare the tourists over the years, the obvious change is: more and more elderly tourists. Not only is Beijing Qianmen Street, if careful, in many areas of tourists, the proportion of elderly tourists in the tourism is growing. The United Nations provides that: Any elderly over 65 years of age accounted for more than 7% of the total population, or 60 years of age or older population in the total population of more than 10%, is an elderly country or region. China will reach 250 million elderly people over the age of 60 by 2020, and will be over 65 years old
七势——平环功(古称鹏翔功) 1.预备势:两脚分开,与肩同宽,(录)穆静立,挺胸收腹,双膝稍屈(图一)。 2.起势:双手形成抱球,由下而上抬起(图二)。抬至胸口处翻掌,左手手心向上,
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