目前,国外气体燃料发动机发展的特点是,柴油机制造厂越来越多地在柴油机基础上为用户设计和制造各种功率和用途的气体燃料发动机,而且数量不断增加.这种情况不是偶然的,它反映出在许多国家的燃料构成中,气体燃料(和气体液化工业的发展)的比例在增加,作为发动机燃料,它的应用范围不断扩大,其中包括运输液化气体的大型远洋输气船. 从最近发表的资料中可以看出,在美国、欧州和日本的100家柴油机制造厂中就有57家
At present, the development of foreign gas-fueled engines is characterized by a growing number of diesel engine manufacturers designing and manufacturing gas-fueled engines of various power and purposes for users on a diesel basis. This situation is not accidental, It reflects the increasing proportion of gaseous fuels (and the development of gas liquefaction industries) in the composition of fuels in many countries and its expanding use as engine fuel, including large ocean-going gas carriers for transporting liquefied gases. From According to the latest published information, 57 of the 100 diesel engine manufacturing plants in the United States, Europe and Japan