消痔灵注射液(含少量三氯叔丁醇)主要用于痔的治疗。1例32岁女性患者因右颊部血管痣局部注射消痔灵注射液,首次注射消痔灵10 ml后无不适,1周后再次注射15 ml,随即出现头晕、胸闷、恶心、呕吐,并出现心动过速,血压降低,呼吸窘迫,呕血。查体:P 181次/min,R 40次/min,BP 56/39 mm Hg,实验室检测:WBC 15.38×109/L,N 0.924,PLT80×109/L,PT17.7 s,PTA54.1%,AST55 U/L,TBil 22μmol/L,DBil 2μmol/L,GLU16.8 mmol/L,LDH683 U/L,ALB 22 g/L,胸片见双肺野斑片状模糊影,血气分析示Ⅰ型呼吸衰竭,血、尿检测示三氯叔丁醇浓度分别为920、854 ng/ml。经对症治疗,患者血、尿三氯叔丁醇浓度分别降至280、130 ng/ml,血常规、肝肾功能、胸部CT检查结果均恢复正常。
Xiaozhiling injection (containing a small amount of chlorobutanol) is mainly used for the treatment of hemorrhoids. A 32-year-old woman with local injection of Xiaozhiling Injection for the right cheek nevus had no symptoms after the first injection of Xiaozhiling 10 ml and 15 ml after 1 week, then dizziness, chest tightness, nausea and vomiting Tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, respiratory distress, hematemesis. Examination: P 181 times / min, R 40 times / min, BP 56/39 mm Hg, laboratory tests: WBC 15.38 × 109 / L, N 0.924, PLT 80 × 109 / L, PT 17.7 s, PTA54.1 %, AST55 U / L, TBil 22μmol / L, DBil 2μmol / L, GLU16.8mmol / L, LDH683U / L, ALB 22g / Type Ⅰ respiratory failure, blood and urine tests showed that the concentrations of chlorobutanol were 920 and 854 ng / ml, respectively. After symptomatic treatment, the blood and urine chlorbutanol concentrations were reduced to 280,130 ng / ml, blood, liver and kidney function, chest CT examination results returned to normal.