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诉状通常指臣民为了伸张正义或请求恩赐而写在羊皮纸上的一种书面请求。在中世纪晚期的英格兰,诉状是政府运转及社会关系互动中的一个重要环节,在很多情况下得以应用。议会诉状,即议会中专门呈递给国王的诉状,是最权威的一种诉状。产生于13世纪的议会很快成为国王与诸臣面对面解决问题的首要场所,但是直至爱德华一世(1272—1307年)在位期间申诉者才被允许到议会申诉,这也是他们接近国王及其官员最便捷的方式。由此,诉状很快流行开来,议会也逐步设计出一整套复杂的程序来应对这一新生事物。议会诉状有其专门的书写规范和结构,大体分为四个类别。下议院议员在推进议会诉状处理方面发挥了重要作用。另外,自14世纪20年代起,下议院议员开始向国王呈送公众诉状。公众诉状指的是在国家层面具有重要意义的诉状,一旦被国王接受就会产生新的立法。因此,从最初专注于伸张正义或请求恩赐,诉状最终具备了一种重要的、全新的政治功能——国王的臣民可利用诉状影响英格兰的统治。 A petition usually refers to a written request that a subject writes on parchment for the sake of justice or plea. In England in the late Middle Ages, the petition was an important part of the government’s operation and social interaction, and was applied in many cases. The parliamentary petition, the petition presented exclusively to the king in parliament, is the most authoritative petition. The parliament, which emerged in the 13th century, soon became the first place where kings and ministers deal face-to-face, but the petitioners were not allowed to go to parliament until the reign of Edward I (1272-1307), which is why they approached the king and his officials The most convenient way. As a result, petitions quickly became prevalent, and parliament gradually designed a complex set of procedures to deal with this new birth. Parliamentary petitions have their own writing norms and structures, broadly divided into four categories. Members of the House of Commons have played an important role in advancing parliamentary petitions. In addition, members of the House of Commons since the 1420s began to file public petitions with the King. Public pleadings refer to petitions of great significance at the national level, which, once accepted by the king, will lead to new legislation. Thus, from its earliest focus on reaching out to justice or pleasing gifts, the petitions eventually possessed an important and entirely new political function - the king’s subjects could use the petitions to influence England’s dominance.
近年来,广州市工商局紧紧围绕工商行政管理中心工作,认真落实惩防体系《实施纲要》,扎实开展党风廉政教育,努力建立健全廉政制度,坚决查处违法违纪行为,广大干部职工的遵纪守法意识和依法行政观念明显增强,“以廉为荣,以贪为耻”氛围日渐浓厚。2006年广州市工商局廉政文化建设被纪委确定为全市机关的示范点,廉政文化建设和落实惩防体系《实施纲要》工作经验得到国家工商总局和省市纪委的好评。    一、以廉政文化建
摘要:当前市政排水泵的管理关系到泵站的稳定运行,更关系到城市的排水安全,因此要高度重视城市排水泵站的管理和维护,确保设备的完好性,提高设备的使用效率。本文重点探讨泵站水泵的使用效率及维护要点,从而为今后的工作提供借鉴与参考。  关键词:泵站水泵;运行管理;日常维护措施  前言:泵站是负责城市给排水管道调节的重要中枢环节,它在城市运行中起着非常重要的作用。它对改善城市的水循环、提高城市给排水效率等方
为了纪念邓小平等党和国家领导同志圈批成立中国自然辩证法研究会 2 5周年 ,本刊开展了“我与自然辩证法”征文活动。通知发出后 ,得到社会各界特别是自然辩证法工作者的积极
近年来,广州市工商局在对传销活动始终保持高压态势,持续开展整治行动的同时,积极开展创建“无传销社区(村)”工作,通过加强出租屋管理,落实综合治理和群防群治,大力压缩传销分子和传销活动空间,遏制传销活动的蔓延。    一、“无传销社区(村)”的创建    这些年来,广州市传销活动十分猖獗,不但严重破坏市场经济秩序,还极大地危害社会治安和社会稳定。针对这种情况,市政府加大打击力度,从2002年至200