A petition usually refers to a written request that a subject writes on parchment for the sake of justice or plea. In England in the late Middle Ages, the petition was an important part of the government’s operation and social interaction, and was applied in many cases. The parliamentary petition, the petition presented exclusively to the king in parliament, is the most authoritative petition. The parliament, which emerged in the 13th century, soon became the first place where kings and ministers deal face-to-face, but the petitioners were not allowed to go to parliament until the reign of Edward I (1272-1307), which is why they approached the king and his officials The most convenient way. As a result, petitions quickly became prevalent, and parliament gradually designed a complex set of procedures to deal with this new birth. Parliamentary petitions have their own writing norms and structures, broadly divided into four categories. Members of the House of Commons have played an important role in advancing parliamentary petitions. In addition, members of the House of Commons since the 1420s began to file public petitions with the King. Public pleadings refer to petitions of great significance at the national level, which, once accepted by the king, will lead to new legislation. Thus, from its earliest focus on reaching out to justice or pleasing gifts, the petitions eventually possessed an important and entirely new political function - the king’s subjects could use the petitions to influence England’s dominance.