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今年我策划了一个东南亚当代艺术展,得到了许多回响。当然最多的恭维都是:姚谦你真厉害,这么早就预测到东南亚当代艺术值钱。我常笑著回答:是啊,增值的速度快到我都来不及收藏了。这个感慨同时也发生在这几年的中国当代艺术市场上,从此我再也收不起许多我喜爱的画家们的作品。这样的悲剧今年也发生在东南亚当代艺术上,还好我还有两条路可走:还有许多二十世纪初艺术家的老画,这 This year I curated a Southeast Asian contemporary art exhibition and got many repercussions. Of course, most of the compliments are: Yao Qian you really powerful, so early predicted the value of contemporary art in Southeast Asia. I always laughed and replied: Yes ah, value-added faster than I have time to collect. This feeling also occurred in the past few years, the Chinese contemporary art market, since then, I can not afford many of my favorite painter’s work. This kind of tragedy also took place in contemporary art in Southeast Asia this year. Fortunately, I still have two paths to go: there are still many old paintings of artists in the early twentieth century.
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李东伟1961年生,广东省汕头人。1988年毕业于广州美术学院。现为国家一级美术师,中国美术家协会会员,广州画院专业画家。 Li Dongwei born in 1961, Shantou, Guangdong Pro
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