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为深入落实“坚持标准,保证质量,改善结构,慎重发展”的工作方针,有领导有计划地做好新世纪的发展党员工作,武威铁路分局党委积极探索新形势下保证新党员质量的途径和方法,建立健全了发展党员预审预报制度。这项制度要求在制定全分局年度发展党员计划时,基层党支部和站段党委要逐级提前预报次年计划发展对象名单和材料,然后由站段党委和分局党委根据发展党员有关规定和要求,逐级对预报的发展对象名单和材料进行审查,经预审合格的,方可提交党委会研究列为次年发展计划。 In order to further implement the work guideline of “adhering to standards, ensuring quality, improving structure and paying due attention to development”, we have been leading the planned development of party members in the new century. The party committee of Wuwei Railway Branch actively explored the quality of new party members under the new situation Ways and methods, establish and improve the development of party members pre-trial forecasting system. This system requires that when formulating the plan for annual development of party members in a branch office, the grassroots party branch and the station segment committee shall forecast in advance the list of planned development targets and materials for the following year step by step, and then the Party committees and branches of the station sections shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions and requirements of the party members for development, , Level by level the list of forecasted development objects and materials will be reviewed. After pre-qualification, they may be submitted to the Party Committee for study as a plan for the following year.
[目的]研究长期弱光对冬小麦(Triticum aestivumL.)群体光合速率(CAP)以及上3叶特别是旗叶光合特性的影响。[方法]以耐弱光性不同的冬小麦品种扬麦158和扬麦11为材料,设不遮
古代思想家陈宏谋在《从政遗规》中说:“当官之法,惟有三事:曰清、曰慎、曰勤。知此三者,则知所以持身矣。”指出了掌权者应怎样为官、用权、做事。 一、清——清清白白为官
A lesion mimic stripe mutant,designated as lms1(lesion mimic stripe 1),was obtained from the M2 progeny of a 60Co γ-radiation treated japonica rice variety Jia
In prior research,the orientation of head of the snake-like robot is changed according to the sinusoidal wave. To solve this problem,we propose Central Pattern
时间流逝并不意味着新闻价值的彻底流失,把旧闻翻新是记者的必备素质。本文认为旧闻是新闻的一部分,并从8个方面探讨旧闻翻新的一些基本技巧。 The passage of time does no