对胸穿抽液并发针梗断裂遗留胸壁1例分析如下。1病历摘要女,51岁。间断性气短、干咳4个月,加重1周,于2006-04-04到当地卫生院就诊,摄胸部X线片后诊断为右侧胸腔积液。住院当日行右上胸部穿刺抽液体。于右肩胛下第9肋间用10 m l无菌注射器(针管规格0.6×25)局部浸润麻醉后,针头?
Thoracic fluid pumping and chest wall fractures of the left chest wall 1 case analyzed as follows. 1 medical record summary female, 51 years old. Intermittent shortness of breath, dry cough 4 months, an increase of 1 week, in 2006-04-04 to the local health clinic, chest X-ray film was diagnosed as right pleural effusion. On the day of hospital right upper chest puncture fluid pumping. In the right sub-subscapular 9th intercostal with 10ml sterile syringe (needle size 0.6 × 25) local infiltration anesthesia, the needle?