今年以来外贸出口面临的问题除了出口市场结构单一、出口区域分布不平衡等长期性不利因素外,主要表现在一般贸易下降幅度过大,国有企业特别是专业外贸公司出口困难,传统产品出口下降。 一、出口下滑、亏损增加的原因分析 (一)下调出口退税率,拖欠出口退税款 一方面,出口退税率下调(从17%降至14%又降至9%)加大了一般贸易出口成本,企业难以完全靠自身消化这么大的成本;另一方面,退税拖欠严重又造成财务费用急剧上升。今年共结转去年的退税款500
The problems faced by foreign trade exports this year, apart from the long-term unfavorable factors such as a single export market structure and unbalanced distribution of export regions, are mainly reflected in the excessive decline in general trade, difficulty in the export of state-owned enterprises, especially professional foreign trade companies, and the decline in exports of traditional products. I. Analysis of the reasons for the decline in exports and increase in losses (I) Lowering the rate of export tax rebates and defaulting on export tax rebates On the one hand, the reduction of export tax rebate rate (from 17% to 14% to 9%) has increased the export costs of general trade. It is difficult for companies to rely entirely on themselves to absorb such a large cost; on the other hand, serious tax rebates cause a sharp increase in financial costs. A total of 500 tax refunds for last year were carried forward this year.