清明后的第七天,是云南德昂族一年一度的花节。 这天,响亮的象脚鼓、镘锣声一清早就响彻了德昂族村寨。男女老少吃过早餐后,都要打扮一番,穿上自己的民族服装。姑娘们更是打扮得花枝招展,她们身穿艳丽的衣服和统裙,围上叮当作响的藤篾腰箍,戴上华美的银手饰,然后提着竹篮,在和煦的春风里,迎着阳光,走上采花之路。
On the seventh day after the Ching Ming Festival, it is an annual flower festival of the De’ang ethnic group in Yunnan. This day, the loud like foot drums, gong sound rang early in the Deang village. After eating breakfast for all ages, women and men should dress up and put on their own national costumes. The girls are dressed up, they wear bright clothes and uniforms, clinging around the clinking rattan waistband hoop, wear gorgeous silver jewelry, and then carrying a bamboo basket, in the warm spring, welcome Sunshine, embarked on the road picking flowers.