When solving a one-time equation, in order to get the solution of the equation, we often need to deform the equation so that the equation is eventually transformed into the form of x = a to find the solution to the equation. Do you still remember the basis for the deformation of the equation? In fact, is the nature of the equation in the process of proof of equality of the two triangles, in order to prove that two lines or two angles equal, and sometimes also need to use the nature of the equation below to illustrate. Equivalent Example 1 (Dongguan, 2011) As shown in Figure 1, E, F are on AC, AD∥ CB and AD = CB, ∠ D = ∠ B. Confirmation: AE = CF Analysis: It is noted that AE = AF + EF, CF = CE + EF, to prove AE = CF, only need to prove that AF = CE can be achieved by demonstrating the △ ADF where AF is located and the CB where CBE congruent.